Angel Card Reading
Service Description
Angel cards can reflect what is going on in your life and make us more aware of the things we haven't fully accepted about ourselves. They can give someone gentle encouragement to make their own decisions and listen to their own inner guidance. There are different levels to the Angelic Realm. Archangels are at the highest level of this realm and can answer a call for healing, help with a relationship, and so much more. For instance, Archangel Michael, the Warrior Angel, helps us work through our own personal battles. Angels are available in other ways, as well. Have you ever misplaced an object and you don't know where to look? My favorite method is to call forth the angels for help. I ask the angels to “please lead me to whatever I am looking for.” Amazingly, there has only been one time in the past 20 years that I have been doing this, that I have been unable to find what I am looking for. Almost always, within minutes, I am able to find the missing item. Try it for yourself. Sometimes a person is at a crossroads in their life, or they just feel stuck. If you are open and willing to grow, an Angel Card Reading can be a very beneficial tool for your personal development. Many people choose an Angel Card Reading because they feel a strong spiritual connection to the angels. Their guidance is loving and nurturing, just like a parent’s love for their child. Angel Card Readings can be used alone or in conjunction with other readings. Sometimes I draw an Angel Card for confirmation in another type of reading for a client. Their advice and guidance is always very accurate and can inspire us to move forward on our Path If you would like an appointment after hours please contact me by email service@bobbielnagdon.com and we can work something out.